Saturday, March 15, 2025

UK Column

NATO Weapons Trafficking Hub, UK’s New AUMF, Grenfell Tower Updates

Today we reveal a massive NATO-based international weapons trafficking hub run out of Baku, Azerbaijan supplying conflict zones worldwide including terrorists in Syria, UK Tory MPs...

MI5 Recruit Russian Bankers, Bogus Chemical Weapons Reports, BBC Trolling on...

While the Queen’s MI5 are recruiting Russian bankers in the City of London as high level informants, Britain and the US slide deeper into...

Trump Yields to Moscow on Syria, Fallon’s Follies, Five Eyes Surveillance...

Is Trump backing down in Syria? More follies from British Defence Minister Michael Fallon, CNN fake news eruption, the ‘Five Eyes’ surveillance globalist confab, still...

UK COLUMN: Serious Questions About Grenfell Tower…

Exactly how many survivors were there from the Grenfell Tower fire last week in West London? Roughly how many died? Normally these sort of...

Grenfell Analysis: Disaster Result of ‘Regeneration’ Corruption & UK Govt ‘New...

Grenfell Tower: how did it happen? Who is responsible?  The public-private corruption is both systematic and far-reaching. After reviewing the evidence, a number of disturbing...

Silicon Bilderberg, Trump’s Climate Departure, FOIA Fob-Offs and Saudi Sectarian Fail

Bilderberg is underway this week with some new faces and trends at the elite confab but the meeting is being overshadowed by Trump’s withdraw...

Soros, NATO Plan to Trigger a New Balkans War

More election woes for Theresa May, government turns a blind eye to Saudi funding of UK terror, George Soros plots a takeover of Macedonia...

Manchester’s Staged News, Trump’s Saudi Doublespeak and NATO’s Kennel Club

In the wake of the Manchester bombing the UK have seen Tory PM Theresa May suspend the general election and deploy troops on to...

Troops on the Streets of Britain, More Rightwing Anger Towards Muslims

The UK inches closer towards martial law, as Prime Minister May announced that British troops will be deployed on the streets in the aftermath of Monday night’s...

UK Column LIVE with guest Patrick Henningsen – London Attack and...

This week, a bizarre terrorist attack struck Westminster and the Houses of Parliament in London. Was it really terrorist or ‘ISIS inspired’ attack? Watch as...