Wednesday, February 5, 2025


NYT: “Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.”

On Monday's edition of UK Column News we cited this important investigation recently published in the New York Times: "Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive....

UKC News: ‘Case-demic’ Exposed and Why Gov’t COVID Narrative is Collapsing

As people return from their ‘Stay-cation’ summer holidays, many schools and businesses are now wanting to open up, which poses a dilemma to politicians...

UKC News: Testing & Deaths Data Fudged, Bill Gates Damage Control,...

This week, the UK government’s new COVID ‘test and trace’ program descended into further chaos, as more questions emerged over the shady statistical practices...

UKC News: Australia Goes Full Authoritarian Over COVID, Vaccine Narrative Falters

In Victoria province in Australia, the government has gone hell for leather to impose one of the most draconian lockdowns yet, over what looks...

UKC News: Silicon Valley, Big Pharma Team-up to Censor COVID Content...

The UK government has taken the global lead in state-issued propaganda for COVID – so much so that they’re now exporting their expertise to...

UKC News: Governments and Media are Manipulating COVID Figures, Manufacturing Crisis

With each passing day, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that governments and mainstream media are manipulating the narrative and actual figures for COVID-19. Essentially, they...

INTERVIEW: Richard Grannon on Psychological Impact of COVID Lockdown

In the first hour of EP 332 of the SUNDAY WIRE show, host Patrick talks with special guest, UK-based public speaker, personal coach and...

UKC News: Gov-Media COVID Killjoys Try to Shut Down Beaches, Pubs...

The hottest day of the year hits Britain, and surfs up, and government-media complex is desperate as ever to push their “second wave” fear...

UKC News: Gov’t Narratives on Masks, Contact Tracing, Social Distancing, Vaccines...

All of the government’s widely disseminated claims about COVID-19, from the infection fatality rate, to social distancing, masks and vaccines – are now falling...

SUNDAY WIRE: We’re Living Through a ‘COVID Masked Carnival’

Months of government-ordered lockdowns, the economic calamity that followed, and mass protests after the death of George Floyd – a perfect storm for what's...