Thomas Sowell: ‘Common Sense in a Senseless World (2020)

An incredible biographical film about one of America’s greatest living economists and thinkers.


Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

From the filmmakers: “Common Sense in a Senseless World traces Sowell’s journey from humble beginnings to the Hoover Institution, becoming one of this era’s greatest economists, political philosophers, and prolific authors. Hosted by Jason Riley, a member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board, this one-hour program features insights from Sowell and interviews with his close friends and associates, revealing why the intensely private Thomas Sowell is considered by many to be ‘one of the greatest minds of the past half-century’ and ‘the smartest person in the room.’”

Run time: 56 min
Narrated by Jason Riley
Written & Produced by Tom Jennings
Production: Free to Choose Media (2020)

Learn more about this film at: