‘Saudi Arabia Uncovered’ (2017)

Is the House of Saud really a family at war with itself?


This timely series released by the PBS in 2017 offers a few subtle clues as to where the current crisis in Riyadh may be heading.

Is the House of Saud really a family at war with itself? Currently, Saudi Arabia stands at a critical crossroads, facing unprecedented change, and challenges from within and without. For nearly a century, the oil Kingdom has long enjoyed seemingly inexhaustible wealth and untold power and influence. But there are real problems brewing. Their unabashed sponsorship of extremist ideology and radical Islamist terrorism has destabilized the Middle East and beyond, along with a brutal repression of religious minorities and dissent at home, is causing problems for their new Crown Prince, 32-year-old Mohammed bin Salman, aka “MBS”, has pledged to transform the country – much to the chagrin of many of his elders and other tribal elites. All this and more in this informative look at how power is structured in this Empire of Sand.

Run time: 54 min
Produced by: PBS Frontline Documentaries (USA)