UKC News: Trump’s Slim Shot, Silicon Valley’s ‘Unthanksgiving’, Vaccine Debacle Continues

Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.


The clock is running out on President Trump’s election challenge, but there is still a slim pathway to successfully challenging the official results. Thanksgiving weekend has seen a full-on attack from culture warriors in the Silicon Valley who are campaigning against the holiday, and joined by state-funded social justice ‘artists’ in Britain who are attempting to rewrite history and shame Anglo-Europeans for settling the New World some 400 years ago. Also, Boris Johnson continues his lockdown folly in the government’s new rendition on Tier for Fears. While government claims vaccines are the only “escape route” for an imprisoned population, the real science says otherwise. All this and more.

Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up…