SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The New Abnormal’ is Here

Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…


‘The New Abnormal’ has arrived as we presented during the first hour of EP 331 of the Sunday Wire radio program…

The COVID hysteria continues to overtake America and the UK, as the media and political operatives ramp-up fears of a “Second Wave” and lots of “new cases” despite the fact that the deaths have tailed off or are non existent in most countries. Universities in America have begun requiring mandatory vaccines for students to be allowed on campus. Also, the War on Statues continues across the Anglo-sphere, as social justice mobs declare a whole new raft of historical figure as “racist” ahead of the 2020 Election, and the MSM have launched a new Russian conspiracy theory this week as US spooks claim Putin paid Taliban to take out US soldiers in Afghanistan.