BOLIVIA COUP: Step By Step Guide to U.S. Regime Change Operation

Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson offer a step-by-step guide to this latest regime change operation in South America.


This week Bolivian President Evo Morales resigned from office – even though he was victorious his country’s presidential elections. However, upon closer examination, it seems that this latest crisis has all the elements of a made-to-order U.S. regime change operation, executed in successive steps, and designed to eventually install a US-friendly and western compliant regime in La Paz. This same template has been used all over the world by Washington’s nation-builders, with a familiar cocktail of subterfuge actors and methods. 

UK Column News co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson have some answers, and offer a step-by-step guide to this latest regime change operation in South America.

SEE ALSO: VIVA EVO! Morales Overthrown, But Bolivian Socialism Will Endure