We’re back in the studio for another episode of UK Column News, covering everything from the world’s economic situation (hint: it’s all about China), to what’s really happening now in Iran, Syria, Libya, Israel, Palestine and more. Then we circle back to UK domestic news with an update on the Grenfell enquiry, IOPC and the Cities Agenda.

UK Column News co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen from 21st Century Wire with all the top stories in Europe, the US and internationally.

START – MPs are back in Parliament: cabinet reshuffle…
02:40 – Removing parliamentary decision-making…’Henry VIII powers’
05:45 – UN: World economic situation document 2018…all about China
10:48 – Iran: Revolutionary Guard declares victory over unrest
18:00 – Syrian Army liberates another two towns in Idlib Province
21:36 – Telegraph fake news: Gaddafi Family stories removed from website
25:04 – Israel: UN Palestinian refugee agency to ‘gradually’ close
27:16 – Stephen K. Bannon tries to backtrack from explosive comments
30:52 – IPCC rebranded: now the IOPC…
33:19 – Cities agenda moves ahead: Guardian at the forefront
36:01 – Grenfell Tower: KPMG removed from enquiry